Using the ePad Signature Device with NextGen Inpatient Clinicals

Several areas of the NextGen® Inpatient Clinicals application allow a user or patient to electronically sign their name to acknowledge the information within the document. For example, a nurse may have a patient sign, noting that the patient received a series of patient education documents. Although this signing can be completed electronically with a mouse, the Inpatient Clinicals application also can utilize a pen-pad type device, or ePad.


Although currently available only in NextGen® Inpatient Clinicals (other Hospital Solutions’ applications do not utilize this same functionality), the ePad can be a great investment for a hospital, due to its low cost of ownership (approximately $125 per device) and easy installation process. One ePad device can be used on multiple workstations, although each computer will need to have the correct software installed and required set up completed. (The ePad is unavailable for clients using an RDS environment.)

For more information and full set up guide, please review the document titled: NextGen® Hospital Solutions Inpatient Clinicals v2.6 – Using an Electronic Pen Pad Device, available on the NextGen® Knowledge Exchange. Please speak with your Account Manager or Account Representative to receive a copy of this documentation or for more information on ordering these helpful devices.

Client Resources:

NextGen® Hospital Solutions Inpatient Clinicals v2.6 – Using an Electronic Pen Pad Device


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