Unable to Process Your Email to support@nextgen.com?

Have you sent emails to support@nextgen.com that have not been received?

If so, the email address you are sending from is not the registered email we have associated with your contact record in our call tracking system.

For security and reduction of spam, you must use your registered email address to send all emails related to Support incidents. If an email is received from a “non-registered” email address, the sender will receive an email advising that:

  1. The system was unable to process the email.
  2. Why the email was not processed.
  3. How to make contact.
  4. How to update the email address via Client Support Center (CSC).

Sample Only

We see you are attempting to communicate with support@nextgen.com. Unfortunately, the email address you are attempting to send from, <email@email.com>, is not registered in our database.

Please resend your email from your registered email address or log into the Client Support Center, access your incident and add a note to communicate with the analyst associated to your ticket. You also can update your email address via the Client Support Center on the Administration tab.

Click here
 to access the Client Support Center.

We apologize for the inconvenience. However, security of our client’s data is of the utmost importance to us and therefore we can only receive emails into our system from registered email addresses.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

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