Specific checkwrites scheduled for the last two weeks of each fiscal year (FY) will be delayed until the start of the next FY.
Checkwrite Hold for Fee-for-Service Provider Payments
Medi-Cal-funded, fee-for-service programs scheduled with a warrant date of June 22, 2017, will be held until July 7, 2017. Checkwrites and payments to the following programs will be held during this time period:
- Abortion
- Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program
- Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment (Family PACT) Program
- Medi-Cal
Checkwrite Hold for Fee-for-Service Provider Payments Including State-Only Programs
Medi-Cal-funded, fee-for-service and state-funded programs scheduled for June 29, 2017, will be held until July 7, 2017. Checkwrites and payments to the following programs will be held during this time period:
- Abortion
- California Children’s Services (CCS) (CCS-state only)
- CHDP (both state-funded [Aid Code 8Y] and Medi-Cal-funded)
- Family PACT Program
- Genetically Handicapped Persons Program (GHPP)
- Healthy Families (HF) Program
- Medi-Cal