Blood Glucose Testing

Did you Know? When Coding for Blood Glucose Testing, you must use the code that most closely describes the test you perform.

CPT Codes (Alphanumeric, CPT® AMA)

Code Description
82947 Glucose; quantitative, blood (except reagent strip)
82948 Glucose; blood, reagent strip
82962 Glucose; blood by glucose monitoring device(s) cleared by FDA for home use

Note: 82962 (Glucose, blood by glucose monitoring device[s] cleared by the FDA specifically for home use). You can report the code for use in a physician office lab; the definition doesn’t limit you to home use for the test. CPT 82962 is a CLIA waived test per Medicare guidelines and requires a -QW modifier for certified CLIA offices. If this is the method/device your office is using this would be the appropriate code.

Medical Necessity Diagnosis NCD policy update:

NCD 190.20 Blood Glucose Testing

Several ICD-10 CM codes have been updated in this policy and are worthy of review as of 04.01.2017

The ICD-10-CM codes can be viewed on CMS’ website as part of Downloads: Lab Code List, at

Verify Frequency Limitations per LCD Guidelines/State and Jurisdictions indicated in below table.

Glucose Testing:8294882962 Once per month Type I or Type II Diabetes with hyperglycemia/complications (E10.65, E10.8, E11.65, E11.8)


Contractor Information
Contractor Name Contract Type Contract Number Jurisdiction State
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04111-MAC A J-H Colorado
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04112-MAC B J-H Colorado
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04211-MAC A J-H New Mexico
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04212-MAC B J-H New Mexico
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04311-MAC A J-H Oklahoma
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04312-MAC B J-H Oklahoma
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04411-MAC A J-H Texas
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04412-MAC B J-H Texas
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 04911-MAC A J-H ColoradoNew MexicoOklahoma


Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 07101-MAC A J-H Arkansas
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 07102-MAC B J-H Arkansas
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 07201-MAC A J-H Louisiana
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 07202-MAC B J-H Louisiana
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 07301-MAC A J-H Mississippi
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 07302-MAC B J-H Mississippi
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12101-MAC A J-L Delaware
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12102-MAC B J-L Delaware
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12201-MAC A J-L District of Columbia
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12202-MAC B J-L District of Columbia
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12301-MAC A J-L Maryland
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12302-MAC B J-L Maryland
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12401-MAC A J-L New Jersey
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12402-MAC B J-L New Jersey
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12501-MAC A J-L Pennsylvania
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12502-MAC B J-L Pennsylvania
Novitas Solutions, Inc. A and B MAC 12901-MAC A J-L District of ColumbiaDelawareMaryland

New Jersey



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