The new RCM for value-based reimbursement

We’re all heading for “parts unknown” in the transition to value-based reimbursement because we’re so early in the transition. Opportunities and challenges abound at every turn as industry stakeholders blaze new trails to transform care delivery.

One particular challenge involves getting a handle on the costs of care. Successful participation in any risk-bearing arrangement requires that providers clearly understand this elemental information. If they don’t, it is difficult to fully appreciate the cost side of the value equation and establish appropriate reimbursement parameters. This kind of granular approach is required to completely cultivate value in the performance-based landscape. The rapid evolution of new IT solutions in the market today will better enable the cost accounting function in the future.

In the meantime, organizations must embrace this concept to position successfully for the emerging frontier. Download the new RCM eBook, “The new RCM for value-based reimbursement” and learn more about ways to shift revenue cycle management gears smoothly to minimize the risk associated with alternative payment models.

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