2017 Coding Changes: Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty

There are three new add-on codes for treating the dialysis circuit:

 +36907 – Transluminal balloon angioplasty, central dialysis segment, performed through dialysis circuit, including all imaging and radiological supervision and interpretation required to perform the angioplasty (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

 +36908 – Transcatheter placement of intravascular stent(s), central dialysis segment, performed through dialysis circuit, including all imaging radiological supervision and interpretation required to perform the stenting, and all angioplasty in the central dialysis segment (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

 +36909 – Dialysis circuit permanent vascular embolization or occlusion (including main circuit or any accessory veins), endovascular, including all imaging and radiological supervision and interpretation necessary to complete the intervention (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

 See the CPT book for a list of primary procedures.

 CPT 36907 and 36908 cannot be reported together. All three codes can also only be reported once.


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