2017 Coding Changes: Laryngeal Endoscopy

The laryngeal endoscopy guidelines have been revised to define the anatomic structures that are examined and to help clarify which codes may be considered inherently bilateral or unilateral.

The laryngoscopy section is codes 3150531579.

In addition, three codes were added. They are out of numerical sequence and fall between 31578 and 31579. CPT 31575 is the base code.

31575 – Laryngoscopy, flexible; diagnostic

31572 – with ablation or destruction of lesion(s) with laser, unilateral

31573 – with therapeutic injection(s) (e.g., chemodenervation agent or corticosteroid, injected percutaneous, transoral, or via endoscope channel), unilateral

31574 – with injection(s) for augmentation (e.g., percutaneous, transoral), unilateral

There are parenthetical notes to indicate which codes cannot be billed together.

Finally, code 31579 was revised to allow for reporting of laryngeal stroboscopy with either rigid or flexible laryngoscopes.


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