Premier Clinical Registry License Announcement

Premier clinical registry licenses will be expiring December 31, 2020. Now is the time to review your licenses to prepare for 2021. We urge you to review this FAQ as there are some important changes regarding renewing your Premier clinical registry licenses.

Urgent Action May Be Required
If you have previously purchased licenses for any of the registries listed below, you may need to re-enroll with a different registry, as they will not be renewed for 2021. Registries being sunset include:

ACP Diabetes Registry
ACP Immunization Registry
National HBPC and Palliative Care Registry
National Osteoporosis Foundation Registry
Oncology Nursing Society Registry
RPA Quality Improvement Registry
The Wound Care Registry

All sunsetting registries have comparable measures that can be found in the remaining Genesis and PCPR registries and we encourage you to re-enroll with those registries. Please contact your Sales Representative to facilitate this process.

Thank you,
NextGen Healthcare

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