July 1, 2017, is the deadline for hardship applications for the 2016 Medicare EHR Incentive Program (MU) to avoid the 2018 payment adjustment.
Eligible professionals (EPs) who failed to report Meaningful Use under the 2016 EHR Incentive Programs may be exempt from Medicare penalties. 2018 EP Hardship Forms and instructions are available on the CMS website’s Payment Adjustments and Hardship Information page.
This year, there are two (2) separate applications are available on the CMS website. The 2018 Eligible Professional (EP) Hardship Form is follows the hardship exception format in previous years of allowing EPs in certain “Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances” to apply for an exception. Deadline July 1.
Additionally, the 2017 Eligible Professionals Transitioning to MIPS Hardship Form covers exceptions for EPs who have never reported MU in the past but plan to report MIPS for 2017. Deadline October 1 (Note: providers in this category also have the option to attest to modified Stage 2 MU by October 1)
Please note: As none of the hardship reasons pertain to the availability of the NextGen Healthcare certified software in 2016, NextGen Healthcare does not intend to provide letters or other documentation in support of the hardship application.