Hear the inspirational story of The Pact

The power partnership—how a belief in better and a pact empowered three friends to become doctors.

Who is “The Pact”

The passion to practice medicine runs deep for The Three Doctors: Dr. Sampson Davis, Dr. Rameck Hunt, and Dr. George Jenkins. Growing up in a sea of disadvantages, these three friends made a decision to become doctors together. To climb out of their circumstances required determination and unwavering commitment—the tunnel vision to believe in the impossible. Together, they pushed forward, using each other’s successes as a reminder that their goal was possible.

The inspirational message from The Three Doctors couldn’t be more relevant than it is right now. The paradigm shift in healthcare is compounding demands on physicians and medical practices of all specialties and sizes. Alleviating the strain depends on the belief that things can be better, especially when aligned with the right support.

Register today to hear The Three Doctors

Attend UGM in Orlando to hear The Three Doctors talk about their pact and how the challenges we face can inspire remarkable transformation. Also, our new role-based agenda will help you cut through the noise and focus on the sessions most relevant to you.  Check out the benefits of attending UGM.

Let’s transform healthcare together! Register now for open registration of $1,299. Don’t delay, open registration ends September 27.

See you in Orlando!

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