Webinar: Meet the EHR discrete data expert through the power of MDabstract

09/17/15 | 3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT

A properly abstracted medical record presents data more clearly and legibly, facilitating improved clinical decision support. As a NextGen Healthcare partner, MDabstract™ helps our clients maximize the value of “SMART” data, improve patient compliance, deliver exceptional care and excel in quality reporting.  MDabstract provides: “chart-prep,” “EHR to EHR” and “ongoing” chart abstraction solutions to primary and specialty practices. Services include:


  •  EHR paper scans or dictation to EHR


  • Discrete data for quality reporting, MU and ACO

Please join us for a free webinar and live demo to learn more about how MDabstract can deliver these services and help you achieve an ROI, save your practice money, and increase physician productivity.

Register today.

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