Scheduled Maintenance on NextGen Healthcare Portals and Resources

The NextGen Healthcare technical teams will be performing scheduled maintenance on Sunday, June 7, 2015 between 12:00 a.m. ET and 9:00 a.m. ET.

During this maintenance window, the following NextGen® portals and resources will be unavailable:

  • Knowledge Exchange (KE)
  • Client Support Center (CSC)
  • NextGen® Share
  • ICD Comparison Utility
  • NextGen® Store

Emergency phone numbers 

If you have an emergency, such as a system down, system upgrade, or you need immediate assistance during this maintenance window, use the following phone numbers to reach support personnel:

  • Ambulatory Solutions Support: (215) 657-4373
  • Hospital Solutions Support: (866) 837-2341

Support ticket 

Before this maintenance window, you can open a support ticket at or contact your NextGen Healthcare support representative for details.

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