Reminder: 2018 Performance Year Deadlines for Reporting MIPS and Other Programs

The deadline for reporting 2018 MIPS performance is April 2, 2019 for eligible clinicians and group practices using most available data submission methods, or March 22, 2019 for those using the CMS Web Interface.

ACOs, CPC+ and the various state Medicaid Promoting Interoperability programs have separate deadlines.

NextGen Healthcare encourages client to use NextGen® HQM for both reporting and (where applicable) data submission. Please be aware of our Program and Submission deadlines (outlined below) to ensure timely reporting and submission.

These deadlines will help provide enough time for processing, file generation and review prior to the CMS and/or State deadlines.

Steps to Prepare Now:

  • Confirm which programs you plan to submit through NextGen® HQM and request set-up of those programs by the corresponding date in the above table
  • Review your reports to ensure that you’re meeting thresholds and requirement per CMS
    • Use the 2018 MIPS Reporting Checklist for NextGen HQM
  • Approve files for submission by NextGen Healthcare by the deadlines listed in the above table.

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