The White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has received final rules for Meaningful Use Stage 3 and for changes to the MU program in 2015 -17 under a modified Stage 2 . This is the last step in the rulemaking process before the official release of the final rules.
With the end of the 2015 reporting period fast approaching, provider groups and the HIT industry have been pushing Health and Human Services (HHS) to finalize its proposed modification rule, released in April. The rule would include a 90-day reporting period for all providers, as well as a simplified set of “modified Stage 2” objectives.
It is also worth noting that provider groups have sought a delay of the start of MU Stage 3, currently proposed for 2017 on an optional basis before becoming mandatory for all providers in 2018.
While the OMB can legally take up to 90 days to release final rules, this seems very unlikely given industry pressure and the potential impact of further delays on the MU program. Typically, the shortest review period would take 30 days.
Impact for NextGen Healthcare clients
As proposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), every eligible provider would need to meet 90 days of modified Stage 2 meaningful use by the end of 2015. With the last possible 90-day reporting period fast approaching, there is no time to waste. NextGen Healthcare has been providing education on the proposed Stage 2 modifications while urging clients to continue working on their current stage of MU under the current rules. The moment the final rules are released, we will begin analyzing them so that we can provide education and direction for clients as quickly as possible.