When is the last time you tested your knowledge on NextGen® applications? Two years ago? Ten? Never?! Don’t you think it’s time to see how much you’ve learned after all the time you dedicated to mastering the applications?
The NextGen Certified Professional (NCP) exams were fully revised in July 2015 to provide a more robust test of a user’s knowledge of the current NextGen® applications. This year, we are pleased to offer a special designation at UGM for individuals who have certified on the updated PM and EHR NCP exams. These NCPs will proudly display a special NCP button on their UGM lanyard.
While it is not required that clients recertify, we hope new program incentives such as special recognition at UGM and electronic badges will encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to update your certification. (What? You didn’t know about our electronic badges? The badges program was launched in July 2015. Electronic NCP badges displaying each certification earned are provided to candidates who have passed the updated version of the exams. These badges can be used on email signatures, social media, business cards, letterhead, and more!)
If you have any questions about the NCP program, please visit the NCP page on the Success Community (accessible by clicking the NCP link under NextGen Links on the home page), or contact the NCP Administrator directly at NCP@nextgen.com. Don’t forget to drop by the NCP booth at UGM and chat with our staff!