ONC Issues 2019 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA)

On January 14, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released its 2019 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA). Though not a explicitly a regulation, the ISA provides guidance on current and emerging standards and implementation specifications for advancing healthcare interoperability.

According to ONC, “the ISA process represents the model by which the ONC will coordinate the identification, assessment, and public awareness of interoperability standards and implementation specifications that can be used by the healthcare industry to address specific interoperability needs including, but not limited to, interoperability for clinical, public health, and research purposes.”

The ISA is updated annually and aims to serve as an “open and transparent resource for industry.” Along with its colleagues in the healthcare IT industry and other healthcare industry stakeholders, NextGen Healthcare studies the ISA and provides commentary and feedback in an effort to align public policy with the needs of our clients.

(See here and here for more details.)

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