NEW Technical Consulting Training Offerings

We are excited to announce the creation of technical training offerings. These sessions will maximize your ability to handle KBM upgrades on your own and/or address your internal reporting needs. Here is the schedule for the first half of 2016:

Dates Location Session Name
February 2-4 Horsham NextGen Database Reporting Essentials
March 8-10 Atlanta KBM Database Essentials
May 17-19 Horsham KBM Database Essentials
June 14-16 Horsham Managing Your KBM 8.3 Upgrade (UD11)
July 12-14 Irvine NextGen Database Reporting Essentials
August 30 -September 1 Horsham Managing Your KBM 8.3 Upgrade (UD11)

For expanded agendas for each seminar, additional information, and Knowledge Exchange links for registration, please visit

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