New Release: HQM 3.8 offers Enhanced Features and Functionality for Expedited Quality Reporting

A new release of NextGen® Health Quality Measures (NextGen HQM) 3.8., available July 24, has been completely redesigned to provide an overall enriched user experience. NextGen HQM users will appreciate the new look and feel from the refreshed home page to navigation improvements throughout the application. In addition to a more streamlined workflow, NextGen HQM 3.8 is now accessible across multiple platforms, including laptops, tablets, and smart phones.  NextGen HQM 3.8 also has incorporated a new, more robust, server-based PHI deidentification tool. This enables expedited and even more secure data encryption and transmission which support the ever-evolving, complex MU requirements by accelerating submission of reports required for MU, PQRS and other similar programs. NextGen HQM 3.8 users will enjoy more intuitive access to their reports with fewer clicks and the ability to link to recently run reports directly from the home page. Current NextGen HQM users should upgrade their client-side service as soon as possible to ensure their MU readiness. For more information, click here and/or please refer to the HQM documentation on the Knowledge Exchange.


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