Meaningful Use—dead again?
Earlier this month, CMS announced the rebranding of MU and MIPS ACI and the release of its proposed Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) rule, which telegraphs bigger changes for these programs. To learn more, register for our May Health Reform Simplified webinar.
Join us for the May installment of our popular Health Reform Simplified (HRS) webinar series, where our panel of industry experts will provide our regular Washington, D.C. update, with a special focus on the proposed IPPS rule and announcements from CMS regarding the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program and MIPS ACI. It all happens Thursday, May 17 at 4:00 p.m. ET.
Learn more with these resources:
- Health Reform Simplified Webinar Recordings– view and listen to past recordings of Health Reform Simplified webinars
- QPP page– your hub on Success Community for QPP-related information and resources
- QPP and Health Reform on Chatter– a NextGen Healthcare-hosted chatter group where you, your peers, and our experts can talk about the Quality Payment Program
- Quality Payment Program website– The CMS home for QPP resources, knowledge and planning