Mandatory Hotfixes Update

Apply hotfixes and/or upgrade for ICD-10

This article contains four tables to help you understand and select the hotfixes or product upgrades required to maintain your readiness for ICD-10 and to take advantage of new functionality for October 1, 2015. The changes are necessary based on our continued testing and client feedback.

These hotfixes and/or version upgrades are  mandatory to maintain ICD-10 readiness:

Table 1 – All ambulatory clients will need to apply these hotfixes and/or upgrades prior to 10/1/2015 onto EHR/PM 5.8.0 through 5.8 UD2 and KBM 8.3.0 through 8.3.10 – and all versions in between. Clients using NextGen® Inpatient Clinicals (NGC) and/or ancillary products are required to apply corresponding hotfixes and/or upgrades.

Application KBM Ancillary Products
  • 5.8.0
  • 5.8.1
  • 5.8.2


  • NextGen Inpatient Clinicals (NGC) v 2.6.7
  • 8.3.0
  • 8.3.1
  • 8.3.2
  • 8.3.3
  • 8.3.4
  • 8.3.5
  • 8.3.6
  • 8.3.7
  • 8.3.8
  • 8.3.8 SE
  • 8.3.10
  • Provider Mobile hotfix 2.3.5 and 2.4 and 2.5
  • Dashboard

v 3.3 UD1

  • Pop Health

v 1.4 UD1

Please note: Any application or KBM version earlier than 5.8 and 8.3 is not ICD-10 ready.

Table 2 –These are the specific ICD-10 defects that the hotfixes and version updates address. Clients must apply them to avoid revenue and workflow disruption after October 1, 2015. These hotfixes, and NGC version update, are required to maintain ICD-10 readiness.

Application [5.8 all versions] KBM [8.3 all versions]
  1. Medical necessity update (hotfix required)
1. Fix Hard-Coded ICD-9 Codes [15 templates]        (hotfix required)
NextGen Inpatient Clinicals (NGC) v 2.6.7 2. Fix ICD-10 Defects [includes assessment template]        (hotfix required)
  1. Medical necessity update

        (version update required)

3. Order Sets [additional updated ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes] (hotfix required)

Table 3 –Enhancements that will be included with the hotfixes (above) designed to help ease your transition to ICD-10. While these enhancements are included, you must enable each functionality enhancement after hotfixes are applied; turn them “on” or “off” once applied except for Application enhancement #2 “ICD-9 Intercept**” which is integrated and automatic once the application hotfix is applied.

Application KBM
1. Dual-Coding Pop-Up: Allows picking ICD-10 codes before transition date 1. Standalone Tools: Help to identify ICD-9 codes in custom or configured content
2. ICD-9 Intercept**: Forces recoding of ICD-9 codes on charge submission in EHR (Already in 5.8.1 and 5.8.2) 2. Enhancement for Future Orders: Create document macros to show both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes on lab requisition orders (Needs Dual Coding in EHR)
3. Immunization: Script for updating pending orders night prior to transition date 3. Hide ICD-9 in Provider Favorites
4. Optik: Prevent ICD-9 codes from being sent with old orders (Requires Dual-Coding)
5. Future Orders: Support of dual coded ICD-10s when releasing orders (Requires Dual-Coding)
6. EHR Report Writer: Tool to find client memorized reports with ICD-9 codes

Table 4 –Enhancements/defect corrections that will be included with the hotfixes (Provider Mobile) and/or latest ancillary product versions (Dashboard; Population Health) designed to maintain ICD-10 readiness and help ease your transition to ICD-10. Only clients currently using these ancillary products are required to apply these hotfixes or upgrade to these latest product versions.

Ancillary Products
Product Adjustment Type
  • Provider Mobile hotfix 2.3.5 and 2.4 and 2.5




  • Dashboard v. 3.3 UD1


  • Population Health v 1.4 UD1

  1. Grey out ICD-9 codes from being able to be selected in ICD-10 encounters
  2. Validate the ICD code prior to submission to the procedure modules to ensure it is valid
  3. Allow for the legacy look-up if the code trying to be submitted is invalid

Defect Correction:

  1. Update charts to include both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes

Defect Correction:

  1. Changes in Population Profiler to support ICD-10 code format

The mandatory hotfixes listed in Table 2 required for all EHR/PM clients, NGC clients, and KBM clients – as well as all Ancillary product upgrades and hotfixes – will be available via the hotfix section of the release download page in Knowledge Exchange.

Planned hotfix availability schedule
EHR/PM 5.8 UD1 and EHR/PM 5.8 UD2 July 1
NextGen Inpatient Clinicals (NGC) v 2.6.7 May 15
All KBM versions – 8.3.0 through 8.3.10 July 15
EHR/PM 5.8.0 August 3
Provider Mobile, Dashboard, Population Health July 1

Open an SDE ticket for no-charge hotfix support

NextGen Healthcare is prepared to apply the hotfixes and upgrades listed on these tables at no charge to both the TEST and PRODUCTION environments for clients who request it when they open a ticket in Service Desk Express (SDE).

  • For the Application hotfix – Support Ticket Subject: Schedule 5.8 Core Application Upgrade Subject Detail: Hotfix
  • For the NGC hotfix – Support Ticket Subject: Schedule NGC v 2.6.7 Upgrade Subject Detail: Hotfix
  • For the KBM hotfix – Support Ticket Subject: KBM Upgrade Request Subject Detail: Hotfix
  • For all Ancillaries – Support Ticket Subject: Ancillary Product Install/Upgrade Subject Detail: Hotfix

For hotfix questions, please contact Upgrade Services at For additional ICD-10 readiness details, beyond specific hotfix information, please visit the ICD-10 page on the Knowledge Exchange.


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