Important Information on Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting

NextGen Healthcare is pleased to announce the launch of the NextGen® Clinical Registry Service, a new solution to assist clients in connecting to more than 20 specialized registries.

This solution will significantly help our clients meet the new modified Stage 2 Meaningful Use (MU) rule, which states providers must meet a new Public Health Reporting objective. Through a partnership with CeCity, NextGen Healthcare will initially offer access to nine registries for clients wishing to meet Public Health Reporting (objective #10), Measure #3 – Specialized Registry Reporting.

By offering the required reporting functionality through NextGen® Share, these services are self-installable and do not require interface purchases or hours. If you have not on-boarded to NextGen Share, we encourage you to do so in preparation for this service!

Additionally, several more registries are available without direct involvement from NextGen Healthcare. These registries do not utilize NextGen Share or require commercial interfaces. Instead, these registries will work directly with the practice to enable data extraction.

For more information on how this benefits your practice and how the interfaces work, please visit Regulations for Public Health Reporting (2015 Modified Stage 2 Rule) and Public Health Reporting Interface FAQs.

To learn more and get started, please visit NextGen® Clinical Registry Service.

NextGen Healthcare is ready to assist you today. Meanwhile, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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