Practice administrators and office managers are often the unsung heroes of healthcare practices. They block and tackle for their providers, are responsible for the successful office operations, spot upcoming trends, and brainstorm ways to improve the patient experience.
At the 2017 MGMA Annual Conference, patient engagement and the advancement of healthcare were hot topics. Of note was Dr. Zubin Damania’s session, “Healthcare: Remixed,” where he presented under the moniker ZDoggMD, his persona across various social media and web platforms reaching more than one million people.
Dr. Damania incited laughter and tears as he recounted the history of medicine. Healthcare 1.0, as he coined it, was the experience of the past: community-based with some business and science, including a large emphasis on the art of practicing medicine. As technology advanced, we entered our current state of Healthcare 2.0. This era is marked by best practices, population health, lots of data and EHRs. We’ve moved to a time where medicine is a lot of business and science and the art has been lost. Enter, the prospect of Healthcare 3.0.
Healthcare 3.0 is the opportunity to take the best parts of 1.0 and 2.0 to make a value-based, patient-centered model bringing back the art. It reduces administrative burdens, uses clinicians to the full extent of their license and moves from sick care to health care. So what can we do to move to a 3.0 type of environment? Practices can start small, provide additional customer service training, outsource administrative burdens, and take the best parts of value-based reimbursement to support clinicians in providing excellent patient care.
Want to discuss transitioning your practice to the healthcare 3.0 state? Visit DataFile Technologies at UGM Booth 516 to learn how we can help you reduce administrative burdens and focus on the art of patient care.