CMS announces changes to 2018 Medicaid MU program
The 2,500-page Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) final rule published August 2, 2017 by CMS includes changes to the Medicaid MU Program for both ambulatory providers and hospitals.
Under the final rule, Medicaid MU participants will have a 90-day reporting period for 2018 (reduced from a full year). The change applies to doctors and hospitals participating in the meaningful use program.
Providers will also have the flexibility in 2018 to use either 2014 Edition certified EHR technology (CEHRT), 2015 Edition CEHRT, or a combination of the two. This flexibility is in response to provider groups who expressed concern about the time and effort needed to install, upgrade, implement and test new EHR technology.
Join us for the August Health Reform Simplified webinar on Aug 17 where we will discuss:
- Medicaid MU Program – important changes in 2018
- Hardship Exceptions for 2017 Quality Payment Program
- Other CMS policy and payment updates