DSM-5 Update

NextGen Healthcare will support DSM-5 in NextGen® Knowledge Base Model (NextGen KBM) 8.3.10 Hotfix 3. This will be available for download in late summer 2015. Information about the new content, including the DSM-5 Overview White Paper for NextGen KBM, Version 8.3 UD10 Hotfix 3, will be available on Knowledge Exchange.

Clients who need to document using DSM-5 and have not yet upgraded to NextGen KBM 8.3.10 Hotfix 3 can find an alternative workflow on Knowledge Exchange, DSM-5 Alternative Workflow White Paper for NextGen KBM, Versions Prior to 8.3 UD10 Hotfix 3

Both documents will be available upon the release of NextGen KBM Version 8.3 UD10 Hotfix 3.

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