- Industry Status of CCR vs. CCD/C-CDA
- Over the last five years, the CCR standard has been eclipsed by the various iterations of the CCD (C32, C-CDA, etc.). All HIEs and EHR vendors support the C-CDA. Additionally, the CCR standard is not referenced in any of the requirements or regulations for ACI/MU3, while the C-CDA R2.1 is mandated for ACI/MU3.
- NextGen Healthcare Support for CCR
- NextGen Healthcare will continue to include generation of the CCR as an option in 5.9. However, beginning with 5.9, Support tickets relating to CCR generation will be approached by migrating the client to the C-CDA standard. Any additional remediation, will be handled based on the C-CDA.
- Next Steps
There are no steps required for clients using CCR. We are not turning off existing CCR generation. Rather, if an existing CCR interface has a problem, our first response will be to upgrade you to C-CDA. If a client wants to proactively upgrade to C-CDA generation please open a support ticket if you have any questions.