Better Starts Here: 5.8 UD3 and 8.3.11

Value-based medicine is about better patient care and outcomes. Every day. Relentless, measurable, continuous improvement is an essential part of value-based care.

The Q4 general release of NextGen® Ambulatory EHR/PM 5.8 UD3 and NextGen® Ambulatory Knowledge Base Model (NextGen KBM) 8.3.11 will help you do that. They will empower your practice to improve care and outcomes and transition to value-based care.

Milestone versions – for good reason

Our new core application and clinical content versions – EHR/PM 5.8 UD3 and KBM 8.3.11 –  earned “milestone” designation for many good reasons. Here are three:

  • The quality assurance protocols developed and deployed for these versions are new, comprehensive, and rigorous.
  • A new streamlined upgrade process could reduce your upgrade time by 20 to 40 percent.
  • One more reason for the milestone designation: You. Your input. These versions contain more client-requested functionality or enhancements than any previous versions.

Work easier, better

Our 5.8 UD3 and 8.3.11 milestone versions position your practice for success in value-based medicine. You’re empowered to do everything better: Streamline your workflows, scale your system, optimize your users, engage your patients, and improve their outcomes.

Because our 5.8 UD3 and 8.3.11 technology platform makes it easier to do everything better, building your own culture of continuous improvement can happen organically in daily workflows. More confidence. Less stress.

Upgrade resources and Success Community

See our full schedule of webinars in a new 5.8 UD3/8.3.11 Upgrade Readiness Resource Article on the Success Community. And join the Release Readiness Chatter Group to share experiences, insight and information with peers.

We’ll continually add new upgrade content and resources to the Success Community. Check back frequently for features and benefits summaries, documentation, upgrade readiness assessment tools, and more. There you’ll get details about the streamlined UD3/8.3.11 upgrade experience we mentioned earlier. Shorter and simpler.

Reduced upgrade times

Our early upgrade process testing shows reduced upgrade times – as much as 40% less time to complete a UD3/8.3.11 upgrade depending on system configuration and database size.

Be part of the upgrade chatter – it’s buzzworthy

You can be part of the 5.8 UD3 and 8.3.11 conversation when you join the new Release Readiness Chatter Group in the NextGen Healthcare Success Community. See for yourself; our milestone versions are buzz-worthy!

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