The service overlap between NextGen Healthcare WellCare Program and the new NextGen® Server Monitoring System ends April 15. Any WellCare Program client that has not completed the migration process should take immediate action to avoid a service interruption.
Next steps to avoid service interruption
Current WellCare Program clients will have until April 15, 2017 to complete the required steps to complete their NextGen® Server Monitoring System transition requirements. This is a free migration to the new system and there are no fees to complete the process.
- Clients may self-install NextGen® Server Monitoring System
- Supported systems versions same as what is supported by NextGen Healthcare EHR 5.8
Transition must be completed by April 15, 2017 to avoid an interruption in your monitoring service. Read our NextGen® Server Monitoring Solution User Guide is to learn more.
If you have any questions, please email our WellCare Program transition team: